Friday, June 26, 2009

Blog Post #1- Beijing Adds Curbs on Access to Internet

Bradsher, Keith. "Beijing Adds Curbs on Access to Internet." New York Times 25 Jun. 2009: A4.

The Chinese Health Ministry acting as a part of the Chinese government is cracking down once again on specific kinds of internet usage. The restrictions are being enforced heavily on those writing medical research papers that have a focus on sexual subjects. However, it appears the Chinese government is expanding this to more of an anti-pornography campaign throughout all of China. Starting July 1, the Chinese government is trying to require that a filtering software be pre-installed on all new computers bought. While Google is working tirelessly to aide China in whatever it desires; there are many dissenters in China that think this act prevents their freedom of expression. Even Chinese lawyers who have offered to defend the dissidents have lost their licenses. The US has sent a letter to the Chinese explaining their disagreement with their filtering software position. Regardless, this is another case of the Chinese governement enforcing very strict sanctions on its people.

This article relates to human geography most closely with regards to place and sovereignty. To begin it is evident that the sense of place that the people of China have is way different than other countries such as the United States. The Chinese do not have a democracy and lack the many freedoms that people have in other countries, therefore their sense of place is more restricted. Place is unique and the Chinese government is imposing their idea of place which includes many sanctions and restrictions on their people. In terms of sovereignty, the Chinese government is showing how they have the power and control to dictate what happens within their state boundaries. The Chinese have supreme law making authority to restrict what the Chinese people view on their computers, regardless of whether it is morally correct or not.